Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Preliminary task-
For our preliminary task we had to create a scene where a character opened a door, crossed the room and sat down in a chair opposite to another character inviting them to a party with a few lines of dialogue. The preliminary task had to demonstrate the use of match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
Main task-
For our main task we had to create an opening sequence for a thriller movie, in comparison to the preliminary task we had a lot more freedom in terms of the plot and setting.
Pre production- I have learnt in both the tasks that pre production is extremely important, in both tasks we had to create a storyboard in order to help guide us when shooting on the day. the preliminary task restricted us to a story line and so when making our main tasks storyboard we were given a lot more freedom to explore different types of shots, from this I learnt to work effectively with my group as we were all working creatively together as a team.
Our main task involved a nursery scene in which we had chosen as our setting and to make it look realistic we had to make sure that during pre production we had acquired everything to help make the room look like a real nursery, my group and I had to prepare a lot of props for use during filming, this helped me to learn the importance of organisation and the communication between my group in order to gather the props for shooting.
Production- The preliminary task provided us with knowledge of how to properly set up and use the camera making sure it was positioned well abiding to the 180 degree rule, the experience helped us learn to be more efficient when using the camera during the main task.The only problem we had with hardware when filming in the main task was that one of the batteries died during filming and had to be replaced whilst the other battery was charged. This problem taught me the key lesson to keep an eye on battery levels when shooting and to double check the equipment before shooting.
Unlike the preliminary task where the setting was not as important, in the main task the setting we were shooting in was a nursery and therefore we had to use many props to make the room in which we were using look realistic, using many props has taught me to pay careful attention to continuity when filming.
During the shooting of our main task one of our actors had to leave early so we had to quickly shoot some of the shots at the end, this meant that some of our shots felt rushed, however during editing we managed to make the sequence feel well paced. This was not a problem during the preliminary task as we managed our time well. This problem helped me to learn that we had to be more aware of things such as time management when filming in order to create a professional film.
Post production- In post production of the preliminary task we learnt many things when editing, such as how to piece together shots. In our preliminary task we did not use any music, during our main task we had to apply music and sound effects to our opening sequence, editing music along with video helped to educate me on the importance of sound in films as they help to set the tone of the film.
We received feedback of our preliminary task after we had completed it, we got a lot of criticism and improvements for the editing which we then applied to our main task when editing. We took a lot of time editing the main task when compared to the preliminary task as we wanted it to be of a higher quality. This helped me to learn that it is essential to spend time on editing to make the finished product look professional and of a high quality.
Main task-
For our main task we had to create an opening sequence for a thriller movie, in comparison to the preliminary task we had a lot more freedom in terms of the plot and setting.
Pre production- I have learnt in both the tasks that pre production is extremely important, in both tasks we had to create a storyboard in order to help guide us when shooting on the day. the preliminary task restricted us to a story line and so when making our main tasks storyboard we were given a lot more freedom to explore different types of shots, from this I learnt to work effectively with my group as we were all working creatively together as a team.
Our main task involved a nursery scene in which we had chosen as our setting and to make it look realistic we had to make sure that during pre production we had acquired everything to help make the room look like a real nursery, my group and I had to prepare a lot of props for use during filming, this helped me to learn the importance of organisation and the communication between my group in order to gather the props for shooting.
Production- The preliminary task provided us with knowledge of how to properly set up and use the camera making sure it was positioned well abiding to the 180 degree rule, the experience helped us learn to be more efficient when using the camera during the main task.The only problem we had with hardware when filming in the main task was that one of the batteries died during filming and had to be replaced whilst the other battery was charged. This problem taught me the key lesson to keep an eye on battery levels when shooting and to double check the equipment before shooting.
Unlike the preliminary task where the setting was not as important, in the main task the setting we were shooting in was a nursery and therefore we had to use many props to make the room in which we were using look realistic, using many props has taught me to pay careful attention to continuity when filming.
During the shooting of our main task one of our actors had to leave early so we had to quickly shoot some of the shots at the end, this meant that some of our shots felt rushed, however during editing we managed to make the sequence feel well paced. This was not a problem during the preliminary task as we managed our time well. This problem helped me to learn that we had to be more aware of things such as time management when filming in order to create a professional film.
Post production- In post production of the preliminary task we learnt many things when editing, such as how to piece together shots. In our preliminary task we did not use any music, during our main task we had to apply music and sound effects to our opening sequence, editing music along with video helped to educate me on the importance of sound in films as they help to set the tone of the film.
We received feedback of our preliminary task after we had completed it, we got a lot of criticism and improvements for the editing which we then applied to our main task when editing. We took a lot of time editing the main task when compared to the preliminary task as we wanted it to be of a higher quality. This helped me to learn that it is essential to spend time on editing to make the finished product look professional and of a high quality.
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