Thursday, 14 November 2013

Essay Question 2

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real thrillers?

Our film is based on the horror sub genre of thrillers although it still uses some psychological elements, horror films usually use complex codes and conventions that provides the suspense and tension the audience wants. Most of the codes and conventions in horror films portray different important aspects of the film such as a battle between good and evil, this is important because it helps to inform the audience of the basic narrative structure of the film.

Some of the conventions that are important in horror films are:
A victim or victims- In The Nursery the victims are the young children that have been ruined and negatively affected by The Nursery Teacher, the Protagonist can also be viewed as a victim to the Nursery Teachers psychological tor
An abandoned nursery
A secluded location- The Sunny House Nursery is the secluded location that is used in our film, it is shown as abandoned and desolated in many parts of the film. The mise en scene is very important to us as we believe it significantly affects the tone of each scene, the secluded nursery will help us to make everything feel creepy and scary.
Representation of evil- The Nursery Teacher will be portrayed with a devil like demeanor in order to show him as a dark force and an embodiment of evil.
The fake scare- A fake scare is used most distinctively in our opening scene where a
doll flies across the room unexpectedly in an attempt to scare the audience, we are using the fake scare as a distraction to the protagonist before he is violently attacked from behind
Dark/Shadowy lighting- We will use dark lighting in many instances throughout the film and opening sequence, darkness can symbolize fear and death and will be used to create suspense and can help to foreshadow a possible malevolent event

Dark lighting

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