Tuesday 15 October 2013

Own Ideas (Mind Map)

I have thought of some ideas for our thriller based opening scene, one idea is to focus on a simple object or sound such as a dripping noise that can be heard constantly throughout the scene, the dripping could be echoed and gets gradually louder as the character desperately tries to search for the sound in the house. The dripping is eventually found to be from a tap, as the person turns the tap off he gets attacked from behind by a masked man. This idea relies on creating fear from a sound that can be heard commonly in real life, long takes can be used to create suspense as the audience is anticipating what happens next, no establishing shots will be used to make it seem like the person is trapped inside their own home.

Another idea is to create a black and white scene of a crime or death that is shot in a reverse sequence, the killers face should not be revealed and he should be confident and steady, this generates a sense of mystery that can intrigue the viewer. The scene will be slow paced, with long takes and can be in slow motion, these techniques allow the audience to explore each and every shot. Also by reversing the scene it can be more interesting as the scene acts like an enticing puzzle that the viewer must piece together. 

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